Bertrand Janin is the CTO at Truveris, where he has helped build their team from just himself to over 80 people.  He was originally inspired to get into programming from his love of games, and slowly built up his skills in coding and managing to the point where he is now a successful CTO. He hopes to one day hike the Appalachian Mountains and believes he is immortal, and since I cannot disprove the latter without going to jail, we will have to take him at his word on that! We have a fun conversation that I’m sure you all are going to love! Let me know your thoughts.

Truveris is a company that helps people save money and time with their Prescription drugs. People have talked to them about how they have saved enough to pay rent. For anyone lucky enough to not have to deal with prescriptions, that’s a big deal. They can get expensive fast!

Check them out here: Truveris 

See the many current job openings with Truveris by clicking here.

Bonus points: He has a really enjoyable French accent, which is really fun to listen to.

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2 comments on “14: Bertrand Janin Chief Technical Officer at Truveris

  1. Patty Mar 25, 2018

    Bertrand Janin, I like his view on hiring : the person shows kindness- love what they are doing- ask questions and enjoy working with people.
    Bertrand’s taking time off from work is important and knows he sets the example for others in his company.
    Excellent Podcast

  2. Lowell Mar 25, 2018

    Thank you for commenting. He also has a pretty smooth voice, which makes listening a lot of fun! 🙂