Opioid epidemic, leading cause of death in america for people under the age of 50, and more are discussed in this episode with two doctors and experts looking at the American Pain Management problem. 

The destruction of crops, billions of dollars in damages, and no hope in sight. It’s a good thing this is just a movie, set in the far future.  We should have plenty of time to ensure it won’t happen to us. Should being the operative word if we lived in a perfect world. But it’s not a perfect world. While the futuristic blight in Interstellar is fictional, we have already been facing our own blight in the United States for almost ten years. This is the story of Citrus Greening, which has been rocking the citrus (i.e. oranges, lemons, etc…) industry for nearly a decade

As President and CEO of the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, Bob’s mission is to advance Massachusetts’ leadership in the life sciences to grow the industry, add value to the healthcare system and improve patient lives. Over the last decade, Bob has truly become a champion for patients by ensuring innovative companies have the best environment possible to research, develop, and commercialize breakthrough therapies and cures for people around the world who need and deserve them.

Balancing being a primary care physician with working on building out ASP, a team of people trying to help support the burgeoning commercial space industry.