George Church: Synthetic biology, Woolly Mammoth, Longevity- Learning with Lowell – 165 – YouTube Interview links Summary The transcript is of an interview between host Lowell and synthetic biologist George Church. Lowell asks George… Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:33:54 — 129.0MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | Android | Pandora | iHeartRadio | Blubrry | Podcast Index | Email | TuneIn…

BeeHero maximizes crop yields through pollination. The company’s technology combines sophisticated machine learning algorithms with low-cost sensors to stimulate full output potential during peak pollination cycles. By tracking and optimizing pollination in real-time, BeeHero ensures hyper-efficient pollinators that can increase crop yields by 30% on average.

In simple, and straight forward terms I describe what I’ve built for the beekeeping community. It is my goal to reduce the the unknowns, improve bee health, and connect bee hives in a way never…

Part 2 (part 1 here) Table of Contents Tesla of Beekeeping Path to a working prototype Connecting it to the grid Power supply Why should you care? 20 Billion dollars of our food is produced…