Urban Exploration Through Crypto Blockchain Technology App CityXcape | James Allan – 138

October 25, 2022

Founder of CityXcape an app dedicated to helping people find hidden gems. Urban exploration through technology and blockchain.

James Allan
CityXcape (pronounced cityscape), began in New York City. The idea sparked when its founder James felt trapped in a world of routine and corporatism. Desperately needing a way out, James began to urban explore.

After scouting a few neighborhoods, he found gem locations that people overlooked. These secret spots were pockets of fresh air. Places where you can be yourself and feel a sense of community. As James found more and more secret spots, he began to bring friends.

People liked the experience so much that they also began scouting. This grew into a habit where people share secret spots with each other to keep life fresh and anew- CityXcape.


The Learning With Lowell show is a series for the everyday mammal. In this show we’ll learn about leadership, science, and people building their change into the world. The goal is to dig deeply into people who most of us wouldn’t normally ever get to hear. The Host of the show – Lowell Thompson- is a lifelong autodidact, serial problem solver, and founder of startups.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzri06unR-lMXbl6sqWP_-Q
Youtube clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-B5x371AzTGgK-_q3U_KfA
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lowell-thompson-2227b074
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LWThompson5
Website: https://www.learningwithlowell.com/
Podcast email: lowell@learningwithlowell.com

00:55 Start
06:09 How to teach math practically / difficulty with abstractions
11:30 People as algebraic equations
15:00 Wild card behavior
15:45 Rehoboam / westworld
16:33 Age of human species
18:51 Dislike of book sapiens / malcolm gladwell.
20:23 Thoughts on reading
23:30 Phases of life
23:45 Ways to learn
27:15 Unknown in learning
29:05 Harder I work, luckier I get
35:00 Dangers of working hard
36:01 S class people
41:30 Finding path to actualizations even in darkest situations
47:30 Ben franklin technique to break though walls
49:30 CityXcape on finding the unknown / hidden gems. Scouting
56:10 CityXcape quality control
58:07 Data integrity
1:00:45 Street cred, validating data, data mining, crypto, blockchain
1:02:00 Real wor/labor mining vs computer mining of crypto. Street cred expanded.
1:03:30 Life as your resume /work experience
1:05:00 Integration with dating apps and dating features – CityXcape
1:09:30 Why integrate with other apps?
1:11:50 Rya / cloud / scouts.
1:14:10 Scavenger hunt, specific experience, spending and gaming street cred
1:15:37 How to utilize street cred with different scout ranks
1:18:30 Scout training / making good posts with context
1:21:30 Imagining scout training hub
1:22:30 Why wall in wall street? Example of context
1:25:30 The last slave ship
1:26:40 Street cred trails, and marketplace for hidden gems
1:28:42 Discussion on competition (ie shopify)
1:31:28 Thinking about learning about his audience
1:36:00 Safety with the right feature. How to make CityXcape great.
1:37:40 Future of the hive on CityXcape
1:42:00 Should we do part 2?
1:42:15 Potential for bad actors on CityXcape
1:46:59 Potential danger
1:48:47 Scouts. People who can go anywhere
1:51:41 Good/bad people in underworld vs corporate world
1:54:25 Why he loves the streets
1:58:40 What/who he dislikes regarding the streets
2:01:11 Domesticated vs natural people
2:02:00 Drill music (Channel 5 reference)
2:03:15 Issues with modern rap, and some people on the street
2:06:07 CityXcape tech stack
2:07:00 Promise/ async away explained
2:09:25 Node vs javascript
2:10:21 Who he is currently looking for and could use help being connected with
2:13:20 Fake engineering / horror stories interviews
2:14:00 protocol programing
2:17:25 confident voice (end)

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